
Identification of Retinal Ganglion Cells and their projections involved in central transmision of information about upward and downward image motion


PLoS One. 2009;4(1):e4320. Epub 2009 Jan 29.
Identification of retinal ganglion cells and their projections involved in central transmission of information about upward and downward image motion.

ganglion cell :  12種類以上

direction-selective ganglion cell : 2種類(方向選択性:特定の方向に物が動いたときに反応する神経節細胞)

1.ON DS ganglion cells


3 subtypes : upward, downward, or temporal-to-nasal motion in the visual field

2.ON-OFF DS ganglion cells


4 subtypes : upward, downward, temporal-to-nasal, and nasal-to-temporal motion in the visual field




AOS : accessory optic system

SPIG1 : SPARC-related protein containing immunoglobulin domains 1

分泌タンパク。unknown function.

SPIG1→ON DS cellのマーカー。

MTN : medial terminal nucleus

discrete 分離した、個々の

orthogonal 直角の、直交する
